Thursday, November 08, 2007

Empire Remixed

After a bit of a break since their discussion of urban mission and ministry in the Spring, empireremixed is back with a brand new discussion. This time around they'll be taking on Milton Friedman, Naomi Klein and Jesus all at once. Could be a good time. Here's what it's all going to look like:
In The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, Naomi Klein tells the story of the relationship between electroshock therapy, free market capitalism, and the suppression of democracy.

But what can protect disaster-shocked victims from the exploitation of shock and awe tactics? Klein suggests that we need an alternative story to orient us in the face of disastrous disorientation.

And so, with the prompting of this text, we will seek to tell an alternative story, with an alternative imagination, for an alternative Kingdom.

Placing Klein’s text in dialogue with political theory and theological reflection, we seek to retell the story, with eyes and ears open, as we ask one another the question:

What’s your story?
Further details can be found at the empireremixed site, or on their facebook group.

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