Monday, February 12, 2007


It can be said that our cat is lazy. For example, while he should be completing his doctoral thesis on social capital and the lives of felines in Parkdale, he naps.

Rather than taking the time to type up his research, he has opted to glare, rather sveltly, Ericka affirms, at the camera. Even though he is being monitored day-in and day-out, he fails to produce any results. Not even anything for his editors to review. I don't know how the bloke expects to graduate if he justs sleeps all the time.

I know it's hard, Nigel, but dude, you've gotta get back to work. Just write - you can't edit something you haven't written.


Blogger ButterPeanut said...

freakin Binky is the same way!

Lazy cats.

hey, you should send his picture to

12:47 p.m.  

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